Our values - what is Boing! about?
The Christian Faith-inspired mission of Boing! has always been to offer and provide support for families of 0-5 year olds. This continues as strongly as possible to the present day. Above all else we care...
We care about our families and strive to support them in as many ways as possible...
Through opening our Boing! Community Play Cafe and simply providing a safe, affordable, secure, warm and friendly place to go.
Through our staff who have the time to get to know families - especially parents and carers - and listen to them. Our staff may be able to give advice and support with certain issues related to having young children - if not they will be able to signpost to people, organisations, agencies who can.
By providing a place which children love, enabling their parents/carers to get some respite and/or interact with their children, our staff and/or friends/other parents and carers.
By providing a place which will offer 0-5 year olds fun, exercise and the opportunity to play, get creative and socialise with others.
Through our affordable party offer which enables every 0-5 year old to experience a birthday party with friends and family.

We care about our local community...
By attracting people to it and raising its profile.
By not being entirely reliant on fundraising for survival and through regular interaction with our friends, partners and customers, we can pursue a locally owned support agenda.
We offer opportunities for volunteering to anyone in the community, perhaps giving them an avenue for their time or some training/experience to become ready for employment.
Through active partnership with other organisations (similar and otherwise) to avoid duplication of activities, support for them in their mission, help make things happen and bring funding to the local area.
We care about the environment...
By encouraging families (and staff) to walk or cycle to us.
By conducting the majority of our administrative work online and/or by e-mail rather than using paper and other resources.
By purchasing consumables as locally as possible.
By providing reusable and/or recyclable equipment especially to hirers so they don't have to purchase and use single-use disposables.
By changing our general cleaning regime.
We care about all 0-5 year olds and their families wherever they are...
And we want to support as many as possible locally, nationally and internationally.
We are currently financially supporting Salango, a father of 2 year old twins, Ocen & Opio, in Uganda, who was recently widowed, to train locally to become a tailor so he can support his children and be around for them rather than having to go far away to train and work, leaving them in the care of others.